Ottawa Dental Sedation Options for Anxious Patients

We understand that some patients experience anxiety when visiting the dentist. At our Ottawa dental clinic, we offer dental care under sedation to help you feel at ease.

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Sedation Options | Greenbank Hunt Club Dental | Ottawa Dentist

Anxious about visiting the dentist? Talk to us.

Fear is one of the biggest reasons people avoid dentists. It is common for some people who go regularly to the dentist to still feel anxious about their dental visits. 

Sedation can help you relax during your appointment by easing the anxiety associated with your dental procedure. If you experience anxiety, your dentist may recommend sedation services.

Are sedation services right for me?

You may be a candidate for sedation if anxiety is preventing you from visiting the dentist for any type of visit. If you would like a sedation service at your next appointment, please speak with our team to discuss your options.

Nitrous Oxide

Also known as laughing gas, Nitrous Oxide is an inhaled gas that is available to anxious patients. The gas levels can easily be adjusted to fit your needs for your appointment.

This type of sedation is administered to relax the patient before dental work starts. Since it does not relieve pain, an anesthetic is also administered.

How does nitrous oxide sedation work?

Oral sedatives are delivered into the mouth or nose via a hose and mouth cover. It usually takes about 20 minutes or so to produce its full effect. After the procedure, oxygen may be administered to clear out any lingering nitrous oxide.

Sedation FAQs

  • Will I be able to feel any pain?

    We will use a local anesthetic will numb the pain, and the sedative will further lower your awareness level. As a result, it is extremely unlikely that you will feel anything during your procedure.

  • Will sedation put me to sleep?

    Dental sedation does not cause patients to become unconscious. You will be awake and able to communicate with your dentist throughout the procedure. However, you may occasionally doze off if you are feeling very relaxed.

  • Will I be able to remember the procedure?

    After the sedation appointment, most patients don't remember much about it. What they do remember will often seem to have gone by much more quickly than it did in reality.

  • How will I feel after the procedure?

    You may feel a bit groggy for a while after your procedure, but this will quickly wear off. That being said, you will need to have a trusted friend or family member drive you home to be on the safe side.

  • What form of sedation is the most common in dentistry?

    Oral sedatives are delivered into the mouth or nose via a hose and mouth cover. It usually takes about 20 minutes or so to produce its full effect, so we'll begin the sedation process as soon as you sit down in the chair. After the procedure, oxygen may be administered to clear out any lingering nitrous oxide.

  • Is dental sedation safe?

    The risk associated with sedation in dentistry is very low. Your dentist will thoroughly review your medical history beforehand to ensure sedation is a good fit for you, and during the procedure, you will be closely monitored for any possible negative reaction.

  • Is sedation safe for kids?

    Dental sedation can be just as safe for kids as it is for adults. Children may benefit from dental sedation if they are afraid of visiting the dentist, if they require a lengthy dental procedure, or if they have physical or mental limitations that would otherwise make dental treatment difficult or impossible.

  • Are there any side effects to sedation?

    There are usually no significant side effects to sedation. Some patients get hiccups very briefly or have a dry mouth, but these side effects do not usually last long.

  • When is sedation helpful in dentistry?

    Dental sedation can calm your nerves in the dental chair, but can also help in other situations. If you have overly sensitive teeth or are prone to gagging during dental operation, or if you don't numb easily with a local anesthetic, sedation can help. It can also help patients who require lengthy dental procedures, such as periodontal surgery or a major dental operation.

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